Researched Benefits of Organic Germanium
- Germanium alleviates Angina when therapeutic doses are consumed.
- Germanium improves the health of arteries.
- Germanium helps lower blood pressure in some persons afflicted
with hypertension.
- Germanium also helps to prevent Raynaud’s Disease.
- Germanium reduces the incidence of Gangrene in persons with
- Germanium can block the replication of the HIV virus by
stimulating the body's production of Interferon, increasing the body's production of Macrophages and NK-Lymphocytes.
- Germanium helps to suppress some forms of Cancer.
- Germanium helps prolong the survival time of persons afflicted
with Colon Cancer.
- Germanium helps prolong the lifespan of persons afflicted
with Liver Cancer.
- Germanium significantly inhibits the development of Lung
- Germanium inhibits the growth of some forms of Detrimental
- Germanium inhibits the growth of Candida albicans.
- Germanium activates resting Macrophages and converts them
to cytotoxic (killer)
- Germanium stimulates the production of Suppressor T-Cells.
- Germanium lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
- Germanium enhances the body's utilization and facilitation
of Oxygen.
- Germanium lowers the requirement for Oxygen consumption
by Organs.
- Germanium protects against Carbon Monoxide asphyxiation.
- Germanium alleviates various Eye Ailments:
- Germanium retards the progression of Cataracts (by preventing
the cross-linking of the
- Germanium has been successfully used in the treatment of
Detached Retinas.
- Germanium alleviates Glaucoma.
- Germanium rejuvenates the Blood Vessels that supply the
Retina of the Eyes.
- Germanium prevents decreased Bone strength, and increases
lowered bone density
caused by Osteoporosis.
- Germanium temporarily alleviates Epilepsy.
- Germanium very effectively alleviates Pain.
According to the ‘Nutrition News,’
“All diseases are attributable to the deficiency of oxygen. The danger of oxygen deficiency in the body can not be overemphasized.”
Germanium greatly enriches oxygen in any living body. It raises the level of activity of various organs by enabling them to
attract more oxygen and expels harmful pollutants and pathogens as well.
Germanium improves the health of the arteries
and has a normalizing effect on blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels. It is imperative to take the non-toxic organic
form Germanium-132 (germanium sesquioxide) as opposed to other forms of Germanium, which could have toxic effects.